Flexible working support: a programme for Multi-Academy Trusts and Schools

Flexible working in schools: Progress, but still work to do

Edurio staff survey 2023-2-24 shows a 3% increase from 52% to 52% in staff reporting flexible working opportunities


In this recording we explore different models for co-headship and how co-heads make their case at interview for flexible working.


Flexible working across a special school setting

A special school at the forefront of implementing flexible working practices within the sector, read more to find out how this was implemented.


Enhancing Teacher Recruitment Through Flexible Working

One of our FWAMS supported a nearby secondary school which faced challenges in attracting teachers due to salary disparity issues


About the programme

Capita, funded by the Department for Education, is leading a programme to provide flexible working in Multi-Academy Trusts (MATs) and schools. Delivered in collaboration with Flexible Teacher Talent and the Flexible Working Ambassador MATs and Schools (FWAMS), it includes free training/ webinars and bespoke peer support. The programme helps school leaders design flexible roles, proactively address challenges and embrace the benefits of flexible working. It highlights practices such as part-time work, job sharing, remote work, phased retirement, and personal or family days to increase flexibility. The FWAMS, who have successfully implemented flexible working in their own schools provide guidance and peer support to help navigate these challenges effectively.

Find out more

Future courses and recordings

The benefits of flexible working in alternative provision
Join us for this session where we will be exploring the benefits of flexible working for staff recruitment, retention and well-being especially when working in challenging environments.

This webinar will be particularly useful for school leaders, business/HR leaders and governors/trustees in alternative provision contexts, however anyone with an interest in this session is welcome to attend.
School leaders, Business/HR leaders, Governers/Trustees in AP co
Recorded sessions accessible at any time
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Setting boundaries for effective flexible working
This session will focus on identifying areas of our flexible working lives where there may be a need to establish or strengthen boundaries. We will discuss strategies on setting and holding boundaries effectively. Our aim is to help you understand how effective boundary setting can support flexible working practices, wellbeing, workload and a sense of fulfilment in both personal and professional lives.
Colleagues planning to or currently working flexibly.
Recorded sessions accessible at any time
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Flexible working in conjunction with diversity, equity and inclusion
This webinar focuses on how flexible working can promote equity, diversity, and inclusion within schools. During the webinar we demonstrate how flexible working can help to recruit, retain, and develop teachers and leaders. We explore and challenge existing barriers to accessing flexible working arrangements and how different groups may be impacted by this e.g., those with a disability, carers, and parents, those reaching retirement age. There will be practical advice provided, including case studies, on how schools can use flexible working effectively and model inclusive workplace practices. Responsibilities under the Equality Act including PSED is also discussed.
School leaders, Business/HR leaders, Governors/Trustees
Recorded sessions accessible at any time
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Embracing flexible working - regional workshop (East of England)
This workshop is dedicated to highlighting the importance of flexible working for trusts and schools in the East of England region. This session will provide you with guidance on designing a flexible working strategy. You will leave having received practical advice regarding the implementation of flexible working practices.

School/Business/HR leaders, Governors/Trustees - East of England
Recorded sessions accessible at any time
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‘It won’t work here’ – practical tips for timetablers
During this panel discussion we aim to help schools address timetabling barriers to flexible working. We will discuss when and how to factor flexible working in to timetabling processes. You will also hear about challenges that have been overcome and receive top tips for resolving timetabling issues you may encounter. This session will be helpful for school leaders and timetablers. However, anyone with an interest in this area is welcome to watch.
School leaders and timetablers
Recorded sessions accessible at any time
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In this session we explore different models for co-headship and how co-heads make their case at interview for flexible working. We discuss how co-headship provides a collaborative partnership model which can help to make headship more desirable and sustainable for great leaders who we need to retain and promote. Case-studies are presented to examine the opportunities and potential challenges of this model of school leadership.
Teachers, School leaders, Business/HR leaders, Governors/Trustee
Recorded sessions accessible at any time
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Key resources

Case study - A testament to implementing flexible working across a special school setting
The Grove, a special school for autistic pupils aged 5-19 in Tottenham, London, and part of the SEARCH Education Trust, has been at the forefront of implementing flexible working practices within the special school sector.
Case study - Flexible working at Lighthouse School
Lighthouse School is a unique secondary school dedicated to providing high-quality, destination-led learning for students with a diagnosis of autism. Their commitment to excellence extends not only to their students but also to their staff, ensuring they have the support and flexibility they need to thrive.
Case Study - The success of flexible working at New Bridge Multi-Academy Trust
At New Bridge MAT, a specialist Multi-Academy Trust with a number of special schools including SEMH schools, they have always strived to be an employer of choice. Their journey towards flexible working began when their CEO first engaged with the Flexible Working Ambassador programme.
Thought piece - flexible working at all stages of career
Dr Suzanne Brown is a Senior Lecturer in Initial Teacher Education at the Sheffield Institute of Education. Her research interests and publications are around flexible working in the teaching profession as part of improving teacher recruitment and retention. In this article she explores the importance of teachers being able to work flexibly at all stages of their careers.
Thought piece - More than just part-time: Five types of flexible working for teachers (SecEd Best Practice)
In this latest Sec Ed Best Practice article, one of our FWAMS corrects the latest press narratives on flexible working in schools. Neil Renton considers five approaches and urges schools to begin experimenting if they want to hold onto their teachers.
Creating a flexible working strategy - why, how, what
Creating a flexible working strategy - why, how, what
Thought piece - Balancing acts: navigating flexible work, religious days and cultural sensitivity in schools.
In this blog, we’ll delve into Nazia Aslam’s experiences of navigating flexible working to accommodate her religious practices and the importance of promoting cultural understanding across different backgrounds. 
Case study - Trusts leading the way: promoting loyalty and well-being through flexibility
Case study - As a Senior School Improvement Lead at the Athelstan Trust, Michelle embodies the spirit of flexibility. Her team, composed entirely of part-time professionals, has embraced flexible working arrangements, and the results have been nothing short of remarkable.

Register for free access to live webinars, workshops, on demand training, resources and to send questions directly to our flexible working experts.


This programme is funded by the Department for Education but this website should not be interpreted as Governmental policy. Please see here for Department for Education Policy.